LEAP 2018 The Netherlands

The Dutch mindset is to always search for improvements […]

A wooden walkway allowed us entrance to an old fortress. Surprisingly the sun was shining on our faces instead of traditional Dutch rain dripping from our chins. Next to the fortress we found our accommodation, wooden army barracks restored to be like a mini-personal hotel. This year the LEAP conference was going to be different, so the expectations were high, but seeing this beautiful setting immediately lifted a load from our shoulders. We knew, this event couldn’t become anything else than legendary. 


Group picture of the participants in front of the fort

2018, the 5th time that LEAP was going to be organised. A period of 5 years, a lustrum, traditionally calls for celebration, but we also called for innovation. The Dutch mindset is to always search for improvements, which were found for LEAP in the introduction of casework. Instead of building the day program on just workshops as most IAESTE conferences do, the backbone of LEAP has become cases based to current IAESTE challenges. With this concept the participants could be combined in interesting team setups. Norwegians and Belgians working together. Tunisia and Belgium collaborating. Any pairing was possible, allowing for some hands on practice with international teamwork. Of course, this doesn’t mean workshops disappeared, on the contrary. With the new LEAP, the workshops provide skills directly applicable to your work. This led from just short case briefs to amazing and executable solutions in under four days.


Participants working on their cases

Every group had a final presentation about their work

Even though we innovated it didn’t mean the celebration was forgotten. The top moment of LEAP came on Saturday, the tables were set for a tasteful three-course dinner, and the participants coming from over 13 countries were mixing and chatting in a way that even the EU hasn’t been able to realise until this day, when suddenly the king decide to grace use with his presence. This giant of a man called for songs and entertainment, which bonded the participants together as never before. It was truly legendary.


The dutch king himself attended the dutch dinner.

The dutch table at the international evening

These are only some key parts of the event, nevertheless for us as organisers each moment of these four days turned into an unforgettable experience.

To conclude, we like to thank all the participants and of course helpers for realising such a great LEAP together with us.
Max, Hajo and Berend


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