In the name of Corona #notPhysicalmeeting

Hello from the CER Management Team!

Once upon a time, there was a meeting scheduled in Vienna where the CER Management Team was planning to meet in person for the very first time. We explicitly call this our Physical Meeting, because the CER management Team always works remotely (we are from different countries, so hey what can you do). The Physical meeting of the CER Management Team is therefore special and dear to us, and meant to be longer than our biweekly meetings of 1.5 – 2 hours.

But then, the name of a beer made us cancel the meeting, and meet online instead like we always do. But always look on the bright side of life, right? Maria, our Project Coordinator, who is currently in South Korea on a internship could join the full meeting this way!

So long story short, we had our not-physical meeting in Austria, Germany, Poland and South Korea last Saturday and Sunday!

Four-hour-meetings each day does not replace a physical meeting, but we still had a lot of fun!

What did we do?
Discuss personal and overall goals and how to work better together. Cooperation with the Connect Region and the IAESTE International Board. Upcoming events and projects. Strategy 2025 for IAESTE International.

Who are we?

From top left to bottom right:
Laura Gracz (Events Coordinator), Stefanie Zottl (Workshop Coordinator), Lisa Petscharnig (Regional Vice Coordinator), Maria Binkowska (Project Coordinator), Helena Krumbacher (Regional Coordinator)

Interested to know more? Ask your country Representative if you can attend the next CER Representatives meeting in April!